Friday, August 17, 2012

Memories Shared Over Coffee while RESTing on Node.js

A shared memory library (written in C++) needs to be exposed via REST as a read-only part of an API.  I accomplished this with a brew of Node.js, expressjs, Coffeescript, and some careful examination of the C++ add-on documentation.  Although I am admittedly pretty new to the javascript side of this code (which is the focus of this post), I found that all of those parts were very well documented on the web.  The C++ stuff is old hat for me at least, and I can describe that another time (comment if you are interested).

Shared Memory API

The data that I am drawing out of shared memory is simple fixed sized records for things called instruments.  Users of this REST API will simply ask for these records with an HTTP GET request to the proper URI whenever they need the most up to date information.  The C++ library that I have written exposes some very simple functions and data structures in its header file to allow this:

get_pair_id_from_symbol(const char * symbol);

struct InstrumentInfo {
  char display_name[100];
  int pip_location;
  int extra_precision;
  double pip;

InstrumentInfo *
getInstrumentInfo(int pair_id);

Things like the name of the shared memory segment and what to do if it needs to be created and populated are all hidden inside of the library.  This is nice, since the application using it just needs to work with the above functions to get its work done.

Instrument Info Add-on

In a file called instrumentaddon.cpp, I define the following (based on the information from the v0.8.2 of Node.js which I am using):

#include <node.h>
#include "InstrumentsShm.h"

using namespace v8;

GetInstrumentInfo(const Arguments & args)
  HandleScope scope;
  Local&ltfunction> cb = Local<function>::Cast(args[1]);

  Local<string> symbol = Local<string>::Cast(args[0]);
  String::AsciiValue ascii_val(symbol);
  int pair_id = get_pair_id_from_symbol(*ascii_val);
  if(!pair_id) {
     // not calling the cb is insult enough
     //throw Exception(String::NewSymbol("unknown pair"));
     return scope.Close(Undefined());
  InstrumentInfo * ii = getInstrumentInfo(pair_id);
  if(!ii) {
    throw -1;
  const int argc  = 1;
  { // display_name first
    Local<value> argv[argc] =
        { String::New(ii->display_name) };
    cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
  { // pip_location second
    Local<value> argv[argc] =
        { Number::New(ii->pip_location) };
    cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
  { // extra_precision third
    Local<value> argv[argc] =
        { Number::New(ii->extra_precision) };
    cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
  { // pip third
    Local<value> argv[argc] =
        { Number::New(ii->pip) };
    cb->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
  return scope.Close(Undefined());

extern "C" {
void init(Handle<object> target) 
} // "C"

NODE_MODULE(instrumentaddon, init)

You can see how I am calling on the v8 engine (javascript engine which Node.js uses) to wrap data values and conform to the add-on API (admittedly this seems like black magic -- and it sort of is). My error handling is not very good since I am just trying to prove the concept and get some code to work which can be demonstrated.

To build this C++ into a shared object which the Node.js run-time can use, I do the following (actually I have Gnu make do it for me, rather than the default python builder):

g++ -g -O3 -Wall  -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -fPIC -DPIC -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -I/usr/local/include/node -I. -Iinclude -Isrc/common   -c instrumentaddon.cpp -o instrumentaddon.nlo
/usr/local/include/node/uv-private/ev.h:574:1: warning: ‘ev_tstamp ev_now()’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
/usr/local/include/node/uv-private/ev.h:583:1: warning: ‘int ev_is_default_loop()’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
g++  -lm -lrt -lnsl -lpthread -L. -linstr_shm -Xlinker '-rpath=/opt/x/lib'  -g -O3 -Wall  -shared -o instrumentaddon.node instrumentaddon.nlo

The warnings building instrumentaddon.nlo (I chose this extension to associate the specific required compiler options that are needed for a Node.js add-on) are inoccuous, and can be ignored. The -rpath linker option specifies a search path for the required library (which exports the C++ functions mentioned earlier to access the shared memory segment).

A Little Coffeescript

The Node.js program which uses this add-on to serve the data is quite simple and even looks fairly nice with the help of Coffeescript (which beautifies the necessary syntax) in a file

express = require 'express'
instrumentaddon = require './instrumentaddon'

getinstrumentinfo = (symbol) ->
  info = []
  instrumentaddon.getInstrumentInfo( symbol, (itm) -> 
    info.push(itm) )
  throw something if info.length == 0
  pip = info[3]
  res =
    "instrument" : symbol
    "display_name" : info[0]
    "pip_location" : info[1]
    "extra_precision" : info[2]
    "pip_str" : "#{pip}"

app.configure( () ->
  app.set 'port', (process.env.PORT || 3000)
  app.set 'views', (__dirname + '/views')
  app.set 'view engine', 'jade'
  app.use (express.favicon())
  app.use (express.logger('dev'))
  app.use (express.bodyParser())
  app.use (express.methodOverride())
  app.use app.router
  app.use (express.static (__dirname + '/public') )

app.configure('development', () ->

instrument info route

app.get /^\/instruments\/([^_]+)_([^_\/]+)/, (req,res) ->
  res.json ( getinstrumentinfo (req.params[0] + '/' 
   + req.params[1]) )

app.listen 3000

console.log 'Express app started on port 3000'

Like Python, Coffeescript uses indentation levels to demarcate functional blocks and scope. This has the effect of dropping quite a bit of syntax which would otherwise clutter the code. Adding more routes which do other things (more shared memory reads or socket request/response code) is fairly simple since express provides a way of adding more lines that begin with one of app.get, app.put or (followed by a URI regular expression and a handler) to accomplish this.

To convert the source into javascript (rest.js):

coffee --compile --bare --output builds/_Linux_x86_64_production

And run it (assuming that instrumentaddon.node and rest.js endup under /opt/x/node path):

% NODE_ENV=production \
NODE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node:/usr/local/lib/node_modules \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/x/node:/opt/x/lib \
node /opt/x/node/rest.js

The program listens on non-privileged port 3000 to serve the HTTP REST requests for this new service:

% curl "http://localhost:3000/instruments/EUR_USD"


Integrating a C++ shared memory library with Node.js is pretty straightforward.  Shared memory provides an ideal interface since it is non-blocking and we don't need to worry about slowing down the Node.js event loop by calling out to our custom library.  The steps to build and run this application on Linux are described above in detail using the Gnu C++ compiler (g++), the Coffeescript compiler (coffee) and Node.js run-time (node).  Hopefully this bits are helpful to anyone else who might find themselves attempting something similar.  A word of warning though; Node.js and its libraries are undergoing rapid change at the moment, so any description of how to build an add-on is likely to go out-of-date soon!

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