Hitching a Ride
A trailing stop order is designed to attempt to lock-in profit. A stop order S (which is less fancy, and should be understood first) is typically used to close an open trade T at price P by specifying a market price which the trade T has accumulated a maximum allowable loss. If T is a long position, then the stop order specifies a price lower than P, and otherwise (a short position) it specifies a price higher than P. A trailing stop order TS is specified similarly but its trigger price creeps upwards so that it is never further from the market price than it started out. Using this to control risk for trade T is advantageous since it sort of locks in profit. If the price moves against T, then the TS price stays put (acting like a watermark). If you want more explanation of how this works, please have a look at this helpful video.
I should stress that my purpose is to describe how to implement trailing stops, and not to endorse their use under any specific contexts. Trading is risky, and strategic decisions to use various order types should be made with due caution.
Interface Design
Trailing stops for a particular instrument will enter the system with an insert() method, and be removable using a remove() method. It is assumed that each of these orders has a unique integer identifier which can be used to refer to them. Although the data structure should be concerned with the efficiency of these house keeping methods, the high-frequency operations of deepest concern are related to price movements.
The same structure should be used for orders which are buy or sell, its only really important to realize whether to use bid or ask prices, and to have an idea of which way is "up" or "down". Prices will be dealt with internally as integers relative to the current market price (units which are pips or pipettes). A trailing stop order has a pair of integers which describe its state (trailing_stop, trailing_amount). To insert a new order which is 10 units off of market, the pair (10,10) is put into the structure. The below diagram shows valid values for resting trailing stop orders (trailing amounts are not allowed below 1 and they cannot exceed the trailing stop):
Trailing amounts, which track how far the trailing stop order is from the market price, will change on the orders as market prices (Px) are applied to the structure. The two different sides (buy and sell) will each have a data structure which reacts differently to market prices:
TS type | Px side | above/below market | Px increases | Px decreases |
BUY | ASK | above | price_down() | price_up() |
SELL | BID | below | price_up() | price_down() |
If the price moves "down" by a single price unit we call price_down() which notionally changes the state of every trailing stop order from (ts,ta) to (ts,ta-1), and all (ts,0) state orders are removed as triggered orders. A naive implementation would need to touch every order to update these records.
If the price moves "up" by a single price unit we call price_up() which notionally changes the state of every trailing stop order from (ts,ta) into (ts,min(ts,ta+1)). Again, a naive implementation would need to touch every order to update all of the trailing amount records which is quite expensive.
Rotating Array of Arrays
In order to simplify the job of updating the trailing amounts, we could use the trailing amount to classify and index each order. This means that we can, in many cases, just have an array of orders move its position (changing the effective trailing amounts for all of its contents at once). Consider the following array of array of lists (the inner arrays are connected by dotted lines, and each order with a particular (ts,ta) value is added to the list held at that box):
The outer array is the part we will rotate. If the top box in the diagram (blue grid) is at position [0,0] of the NxN array, then an order with state (ts,ta) should be at logical array position [N-ts+ta-1,ts-1] (in the above diagram N=5). The top "triangle" of boxes are unused since they do not represent reachable (ts,ta) states.
Completing a price_up() is only a matter of merging the red boxes at (ts,ts) up into the array above and rotating the whole top-level array (which is done in the usual way with modulus operations and an index variable):
The new empty lists (white boxes) simply appear as a result of the rotation, and the green boxes are not disturbed. The magenta boxes are an inner array which moves as a result of the outer array rotation.
To do a price_down() operation, a similar trick happens. The diagonal order list elements (trailing amount 1) boxes (shown as red) are removed, and the array is rotated in the other direction:
The new empty array that holds all the new (ts,ts) orders is shown as empty magenta boxes on the lower edge. As a practical matter, the number of price unit levels supported (the value of N) has to be a fixed predetermined value. As described, the data structure will work very well for large numbers of orders, but will use up considerable space when empty (an NxN array). To mitigate this, the inner arrays (blue boxes linked with dotted lines) could be represented more sparsely with skip-lists or binary trees. If the remaining dimension (top-level) array is still consuming too much memory, something could be done to make it sparse as well (allowing a larger value of N).
Using a benchmark which consisted of:- inserting 2 million orders at a spread of (ts,ta) values
- price_up() 100 times
- price_down() 100 times
- insert 200k more random orders
- price_down() 100 times
- price_up() 100 times
If the structure has evenly distributed (ts,ta) valued trailing stop orders in it, price_up() and price_down() are both O(N) for the above structure. In the case of a vector, list or hash-table something closer to O(N*N) is observed, as every element gets touched. I have always been interested to know if something more space efficient, but with similar properties could be imagined in the future.
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